Augmented Reality vs Mixed Reality

Augmented Reality Vs Mixed Reality

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AR improves reality by adding digital information, MR takes a step more by allowing digital and physical parts to interact. Both technologies have uses, and the choice is based on particular needs or use cases. As technology progresses, the difference between AR and MR may become more blurred, leading in a new era of deep immersion.

What is Reality?

Reality is the sum or total of all that is real or existing within the universe, as opposed to that which is merely imaginary, non-existent, or non-real. The term is also used to refer to the ontological status of things, which reflects their existence. In physical terms, reality is a system, the totality of the known and the unknown.

"We've seen people run out of VR rooms, even if they know what they're seeing isn't real" - Mel Slater.

To understand these technologies, you need to view reality as a structure that each of us creates based on what we perceive with our senses. Even our emotions come from the digital or physical world. These are the things that happen when we watch movies. We also knew that this film was just a fantasy but at that time it seemed real to us. Extended reality technologies add another layer to this tone to make experiences more immersive.

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What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

What is Augmented Reality

Credit - Pixabay

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows digital elements to be superpositioned into real-world environments. In an AR experience, you can see a composite view of physical or real-world elements and digital elements. Although some AR experiences may offer a certain degree of interaction between physical and virtual elements, typically, there is no direct interaction between the components of the digital and physical worlds.

AR experiences are near the physical world end of the virtual continuum. The ability for digital objects to dominate the physical world is revolutionizing many industries such as gaming, education, healthcare, and manufacturing. For example, have you ever gone to the doctor for a blood test and the nurse couldn't find your vein? This can be painful. What if AR technology could help with this?

We use projection-based AR technology and a laser-based scanner to convert the heat signature of a patient's veins into an image superimposed on the skin, making it easier for physicians to locate the veins. This AR technology increases the probability of a successful injection by 350% for the first time.

As the name suggests, augmented reality, or AR, enhances our perception of the world by overlaying a set of computer-generated graphics, images, or interactive data.

You have the chance to go beyond the rectangular square of the screen and contribute to a revolution that will continue to change the way we interact with digital products. However, you will need to be aware of additional parameters that you may not use, such as physical constraints and security issues.

What is Mixed Reality (MR)?

Mixed reality (MR) is a technology that allows not only the superposition of digital elements into real-world environments but also their interaction. In an MR experience, the user can see and interact with both digital elements and physical elements. Therefore, MR experiences receive input from the environment and will change accordingly.

Mixed reality is a blend of VR and AR and aims to provide the best of both worlds. For example, while it uses a headset like VR, looking through a translucent viewport or glass, it also projects views on top of our environment.

In MR experiences the user can interact with both physical and digital elements. MR differs from AR - where digital and physical elements do not interact - and VR - where the physical or real world is completely blocked out.

MR experiences cover the center of the virtual continuum.

You have to master all the possibilities offered by MR technologies. Deep experiences add a new layer to the user experience and require you to constantly learn and stay updated to provide an excellent user experience.

Augmented Reality vs Mixed Reality

Although the use cases of mixed reality and augmented reality may overlap, to some extent mixed reality may allow greater interactions with digital content as users can be hands-free, without the need to have a mobile device to keep them engaged. Doesn't happen. Not there. However, this is what makes it less accessible to the mass market. It is estimated that more than 5 billion people worldwide own mobile devices and the same cannot be said for MR glasses, which are still in their early stages and are quite expensive.

But there's no doubt that mixed reality holds great potential. There are still a lot of hardware and software improvements needed to implement people's theoretical ideas, but it's only a matter of time.

However, I believe that augmented reality and later mixed reality together are going to win the race. AR already provides us with great use cases in marketing, education, art, etc. The only real difference between MR and AR is the interface. Today it's a mobile device, tomorrow we'll have glasses or even more futuristic - smart contact lenses. And as the interface changes, these two words will merge.

Virtual reality immerses users completely in computer-generated environments, while augmented reality superimposes digital information onto the real world, enhancing our perception.

Mixed reality, on the other hand, combines elements of both, allowing digital and physical entities to interact in real-time.

AR overlays virtual elements onto the real world. It enhances users' perception of reality by superimposing digital information onto their perception of the physical environment. You can take the experience of AR through your smartphone, tablet, camera, smart glasses, and other devices. AR applications can do more complex interactions to placing virtual furniture in a room or playing an AR-based game. These things happened by simple overlays of information such as directions or products from a range of AR applications.AR blends the real and virtual worlds without any interruption. AR provides relevant information and enhanced real-world experiences with context.

Mixed reality is used as an umbrella term that has both Virtual reality and Augmented reality. It combines both technologies through their components. It can allow users to interact with virtual and real-world objects in real-time. To map the physical environment and then place virtual objects within it through MR headsets, Microsoft's HoloLens, sensors, and cameras.

This helps create a feeling of co-existence where the virtual object reacts and interacts with the real world. AR alone provides a higher level of immersion and passivity than MR. Because virtual objects can be manipulated and integrated with the user's environment. Enable advanced applications in the fields of architecture and engineering.

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As we know mixed reality and augmented reality are based on similar technologies. There may be two or three major differences between them. Like, Augmented reality connects digital information with the real world but Mixed reality integrates and connects digital objects with the real world. Augmented reality is mostly used for entertainment or gaming but mixed reality is used in various fields like industries, healthcare, and manufacturing. Both technologies have their pros and cons. Your choice will depend on your need or specific use case.